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Whole Hospital Two Way Radios

Whole Hospital Two Way Radios

Hytera is offering two free Hytera two way radios for every 10 Hytera two way radios purchased through May 31,2020. This offer is good on all Hytera two way radio models and there is no limit on the number of free walkie talkies you can receive. In addition, Hytera Branded headsets, speaker mics, and extra batteries are available on a buy one get one free basis. This offer is open to Hospitals, Urgent Care Facilities, and Assisted Living Facilities. Twowayradiocenter.com will provide the free two way radios with you as part of the ordering process.

Two Way Radios in this category are designed to operate hospital wide and can be programmed to work with many existing hospital two way radio systems.  Patient Transport, Housekeeping, Facilities, Security, Physical Therapy, and Dining Services need walkie talkies that work campus wide.  Before purchasing a two way radio to work campus wide, please contact Twowayradiocenter.com at 855-770-7194 and we will provide assistance on how to make your new two way radios work with your existing fleet of two way radios.  We will be respectful of your existing infrastructure and coordinate with the Security Team at your hospital to ensure you are in compliance with hospital rules and regulations. 

Have Questions?  Give Twowayradiocenter.com a call at 855-770-7194 or talk with us Now or Click here to chat! 


We Educate  .... You Decide if Whole Hospital Two Way Radios are Right for You!

Our Hospital uses a Repeater for our two way radios.  Can these walkie talkies work on our Repeater?  Yes, in most cases we can program new two way radios to work on your Repeater.  We require a walkie talkie be sent into us so we read it to ensure 100% compatibility between your old and new two way radios.  

Is an FCC License required to use these two way radios?  Motorola DTR Series two way radios do not require an FCC License.  All other two way radios in this category do require an FCC License.  Most hospitals already have an FCC License in place.  

Can we use these two way radios to communicate with local law enforcement?  Possibly.  We ask that one of your existing two way radios be sent in so we can capture the frequency information off of it.