Product Description
Motorola PMDN4060 Mag One BPR40 Series Cloning Cable
The Motorola PMDN4060 is a cloning cable for Motorola Mag One Series Two Way Radios. Step by step instructions are below.
Step by Step Instructions to Clone a new Motorola Mag One BPR40 Series Two Way Radio to an Existing Motorola BPR40
Select the two way radio you want to copy the settings from. Make sure the walkie talkie is powered off. We'll call this the Master.
Select the two way radio you want to copy the settings to. Make sure the walkie talkie is powered off. We'll call this the Slave.
On the Master Radio, there are three buttons on left side of the radio as it faces you. Hold down the second button while powering the two way radio on. Hold the button down until you hear two chirps. Let go of the button. You'll notice the Red LED Indicator light stays on.
Grab the Slave Radio. Hold down the second button while powering the radio on. The Radio will chirp three times and the LED Indicator Light will be orange. Let go of the button.
Insert the Motorola PMDN4060 into the Master Radio programming port on the right side of the radio. You'll notice it only fits into the smaller of the two slot.
Insert the Motorola PMDN4060 into the Slave Radio programming port on the right side of the radio.
Press and Release the second button on the Slave Radio.
Press and Release the second button on the Master Radio.
You'll notice the LED Indicator Lights start flashing red and orange.
You'll here some tones after about a minute indicating the Cloning is finished.
Test your walkie talkies!
Repeat on all new two way radios as needed.
Troubleshooting the Motorola PMDN4060 Mag One BPR40 Series Cloning Cable
Make sure the radios are powered off before starting.
Make sure you are pressing the second button from the top. There are three buttons, a Push to Talk button, and then two smaller buttons. You want to pres the first of the smaller buttons.
Make sure the models are compatible by taking the battery off the back and verifying the model numbers are the same. is happy to assist you. Please call us at 855-770-7194 or Chat with us!