Two Way Radios- Helping Retailers Exceed Customer Expectations
Two-way radios are in reality a tool to assist retails stores, religious organizations, and other kinds of service industries in effective communication. One dimension of their communication is customer service. People have been talking to each other and observing the strengths and weaknesses of various forms of communication for a long time. Here are a few jewels regarding communication from king Solomon (970-931 BCE).
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. (Proverbs 15:1 ESV)”
Difficulties in communication are often times not a question of determining what ought to be said in the conversation; rather, the challenge is to remain committed to speaking the way you know will be most effective. Clear, but gentle verbal responses will demonstrate your commitment to the customers’ well-being. Even if they are unsatisfied with a particular product, they may return to your company knowing that you are committed to taking care of them. However, what types of language do customers often find off-putting?
Your customer does not appreciate your sarcasm.
You may talk to customers on a regular basis. Perhaps you are comfortable with conversing and representing your company. However, your customer rarely talks to representatives of your company, and even more infrequently with you personally. Sarcastic humor is best appreciated between friends. More than likely, you are not friends with the customer, though you need to sustain the commitment to their highest good as if they were your friend.
Consequently, keep the sarcasm to yourself when speaking with customers. It will more often than not frustrate, confuse, or otherwise tick off your customer. Even the Beatles learned this well: “To everything there is a season (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)” and your phone call with a customer is not the season for biting humor. Harsh words are not necessarily restricted to vulgarities; there are many other ways to stir up anger with your communication. Sarcasm is one more form to avoid.
Use a soft tone of speech.
Calm words are like cool water. So, rather than harsh words, you will notice that more often than not, ‘soft answers’ with a cool and calm tone of voice will simmer down a heated customer. Take a breath. Stay confident. Slow down the pace of your words. While some people are simply looking for a fight and will continue to badger you despite your kindness, most reasonable people can be talked off the ledge of fury with an efficient, calm, and poised manner of speaking. Even if the answer is one that the customer does not want to hear, the he or she will be more likely to accept the inevitability of the result if you respond as if there is nothing more that can be done. Nevertheless, if negative results and unfortunate updates must be given, find a way to give the customer good news!
Ultimately, a two-way radio assists your company in a more personal interaction with the customer. However, the customer still has to encounter a person who can assist them when (and most especially if) they are difficult to serve.